Chapter 4 - Filesystems and Partitions

Filesystem in Linux:

Think of a refrigerator that has multiple shelves that can be used for storing various items, these items shelves can help you organize the grocery items by shape, size, type etc. Same concept applies to filesystem which is the embodiment of a method of storing and organising arbirary collection of data in a human usable form.

Filesystems supported by Linux:

  • Conventional disk Filesystems (ext3, ext4, Btrfs, JFS, NTFS, Vfat, etc.).

  • Flash storage filesystems (ubifs, jffs2, yaffs, etc.).

  • Database Filesystems, and

  • Special purpose filesystems (procfs, sysfs, tmpfs, squashfs, defugfs, etc.).


In Linux, a partition is a way to divide a physical storage device, like a hard drive or SSD, into separate, isolated sections. Each partition acts as an independent storage unit, and it's like having distinct sections on your bookshelf. Generally, every partitions contains a filesystem.

One can think of a partition as a container in which a filesystem resides.

A comparison between filesystem in Windows and Linux:

PartitionDisk 1/dev/sda1
Mounting ParametersDrive LetterMount print
Base Folderc:\/